Friday, December 27, 2019

The 50 Most Commonly Used Words in the English Language

If youre an English learner, knowing which words are most commonly used in the language can help you to improve your vocabulary skills and gain confidence in  casual conversations.   Dont  count on these words to help you become fluent in English, but do use them as a resource to help you build your skills as you grow more  comfortable with the English language. Top Vocabulary Words All Everyone in a group.All the children did their homework. And A conjunction that joins parts of speech together in a sentence.She jumped, jogged, and danced in gym class.   Boy A male child.The little boy asked his mother if she would buy him candy. Book A long text of words that people read.The college student had to read a 500-page book for English class. Call To yell out or speak loudly; to contact someone by phone.  The girl called out to her brother so he would wait for her. Car A four-wheeled vehicle that transports people from one place to another.He drove the car from school to work. Chair A piece of furniture that can hold one person.My mother is the only one allowed to sit in the big chair in the living room.   Children Young people who have not yet reached adulthood.The children didnt listen to what their parents told them. City A place where many people live.New York is the biggest city in the United States. Dog   An animal that many people have as a household pet.My dog likes to play with bones. Door A passageway from which you can enter or exit a room or a building.  The students rushed through the classroom door just before the bell rang.   Enemy   The opposite of a friend. A competitor or rival.  The hero of the story killed his enemy with a sword. End To finish something or come to a conclusion.The end of the book was a happy one. Enough To have more than one needs of something.  Most Americans have enough food to eat, but thats not true in other countries.   Eat To consume food.  The children liked to eat apples and bananas after school.   Friend The opposite of an enemy. Someone on your side and with whom you enjoy spending time.The girl played with her friend in the yard until her mother told her to come inside. Father A male parent.The father picked up his child when she started crying. Go To travel to and from a location.  We go to school every day. Good To behave well or in a kind manner.My mother said that if Im good and dont hit my brother, she will take me to the movies. Girl A female child.  The girl dropped her schoolbooks on the ground.   Food An edible substance that people, animals, and plants eat to live.Starving people do not have enough food to eat and may die. Hear To listen to something.  I could hear my brother and sister arguing from the other room. House A place where people, often families, live.My friend lives in the biggest house on the street. Inside The internal part of something or to be located within something.  The inside of the house was warm and cozy.   Laugh To express that you find something amusing.  The children laughed after the clown made a joke. Listen To hear something.  We listen to music because we like to dance.   Man An adult male.The man was much taller than his son.   Name The title of a place, book, person, etc.  I never liked my name growing up.   Never Not ever.I am never getting back together with my boyfriend. Next The thing that happens after something else in a sequence; to be situated by something else.  Lets go to the next question. New Something just created or unused or unopened.My mother bought me a new doll for Christmas. It was still in the package. Noise Loud sounds, especially made by music or a group of people.  There was so much noise at the party, the neighbors called the police.   Often To happen frequently.  My teacher gets mad because I often forget my homework.   Pair Two things that go together.  I like the new pair of shoes my sister bought me for my birthday. Pick To choose or select.  I picked the cupcake with vanilla frosting.   Play To have fun with someone or engage in an activity or sport.  I like to play football with my brother.   Room A part of a home, building, office or another structure.  The room at the end of the hall is the coldest in the building.   See To watch or observe something.  I see clouds in the sky, which must mean it will rain soon. Sell To offer a service or a good for a price.I am going to sell my surfboard for $50 because its time for a new one.   Sit To rest on a floor, chair, or another surface.  The teacher told the children to sit on the carpet.   Speak To say something.I speak too loudly sometimes.   Smile To grin or show pleasure.I smile when my brother tells jokes. Sister The opposite of brother. The female child in relation to other children of the same parents.My parents took my sister and me to the circus. Think To contemplate something or have an idea or belief.  I think all pets should have a home.   Then Something that comes after an event in a sequence.  I opened the refrigerator. Then, I ate some food.   Walk To travel on foot.  I walk home from school every day. Water A substance plants, people, animals, and the earth need to survive.If animals dont have enough water to drink, they will die.   Work To make a living, engage in an activity for pay, or to reach a goal.  I work as a teacher because I like children.   Write To put something on paper with a pen or pencil. To use a computer to type text.I have to write three essays in English class this semester.   Woman A female adult.That woman was our new school principal.   Yes To answer affirmatively or respond to ones name being called.  Yes, Im here, the student said when the teacher called her name.

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Research On Cloud Computing Risks And Risk Assessment...

Contents 1. Abstract 1 2. Introduction 1 3. Team structure work experience 2 3.1. Project #1: Data crunching using tableau 3 3.2. Project #2: Research on cloud computing risks and risk assessment frameworks 4 4. Learnings conclusion 7 1. Abstract This report describes the activities and tasks carried out during a 10 - week, full-time internship at the American International Group (AIG). The document contains information about AIG and the responsibilities performed throughout the period between June 1st and August 14th 2015. More than a plain account of tasks, the objective of this report is to reflect upon the experiences collected during the internship from the perspective of an MS student in Management†¦show more content†¦AIG is known for providing insurance coverage to meet the diverse needs of its clients. It operates through three businesses: AIG Property Casualty, AIG Life and Retirement and United Guaranty Corporation (UGC). AIG Property casualty provides insurance products for commercial and individual customers. AIG Life and Retirement includes accident and health insurance, annuities, group retirement, life insurance and mutual funds for individuals and group retirement and independent broker deal for bus inesses. UGC focuses on mortgage guaranty insurance and mortgage insurance. Globally there are 100 countries and jurisdictions where AIG serves customers. AIG’s Commercial Insurance is a leading provider of insurance products and services for commercial and institutional customers. It is ranked among the top 10 most preferred commercial insurance carriers. 3. TEAM STRUCTURE WORK EXPERIENCE During my Internship, I was working in the IT Security Risk and Compliance department, also known as ITSRC. The global head of this department is Brian Silver and the vice president is Lee Hindley. They jointly took the decision of assigning the interns in respective teams as per their skillset. The org chart is as follows: Ronney John was my assigned manager and Federico Abrigo was my assigned navigator. Federico is more like a buddy who guides and assists me through difficulties, both technical and non-technical ones. Being in a small team actually gave me exposure to

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Diego Rivera An Artist Example For Students

Diego Rivera An Artist Biography My artist name is Diego Rivera he is a Mexican painter who produced murals on social themes and who ranks one of my countries greatest artists. He was born in Guanajuato and educated at the San Carlos Academy of Fine Arts , in Mexico City. he studied painting in Europe between 1907 and 1921, becoming familiar with the innovative cubist forms of the French painter Paul Cezanne and Pablo Picasso. In 1921 Riviera returned to Mexico and took a prominent part in revival of mural painting initiated by artists and sponsored by the government . Believing that art should serve the working people and be readily available to them , he concentrated on painting large frescoes, concerning the history and social problems of Mexico, on the walls of public buldings.His works during 1930s included frescoes the Ministry of Educational Mexico City and in the National Agricultural School in Chapingo. Rivera was an active member of the Mexican Communist party , and he painted murals in the National Palace , Mexico City 1929, and the Palace Cortes , Cuernavaca1930 .In 1929 Riviera married Frida Kahlo who is now considered to have been a leading 20th century Mexican painter. I think what I like the most the murals that he painted I liked how he drew the Indian people their faces the scenery , the palace and his style. Rivieras murals are rich in archeological detail and painted in sharply outlined , linear style. Most of them have clear , three dimensional figures in a shallow space , although a deep spatial extension of landscape appears at the top of some works . Rivera also executed easel paintings and portraits and designed and built his Mexico City house , the Anahuacalli, which is now a museum housing the extensive collection of pre-Columbian art that he left for Mexican people . I liked the water colors that Riviera used for the murals and the way he painted the pictures .I imagine take him a long time to draw the murals and paint them and drawing the faces . I have seen his murals in the walls in Mexico City and I really think is very hard to draw the murals and I also have seen in the museums alot of pictures that Riviera has drawn and I was really impressed with all his work. The thing that I liked the most were the murals that he drew and the painting and how he drew the faces of the people and the different colors of skins of the people . I enjoyed learning about Diego Rivera and also because his from my country.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Marketing Mix for Lush free essay sample

In this research two well-designed marketing mixes were made, aiming to improve an already existing organic products cosmetics brand named â€Å"LUSH ®Ã¢â‚¬  as well as accommodating its features to the demands of the target market. One of the marketing mixes being directed for physical shops and the other one for an E-Store. Two business people were interviewed to gain information about strategies and day-to-day goals in small brands as such. Elena Torre, cosmetician and owner of â€Å"Saint Germaine†, a Natural Cosmetics brand, was one of the interviewees, providing very factual and useful information for this research as well as Martha Hone, dermatologist and owner of â€Å"Martha Hone Clinic† based on natural cosmetics from all over the world, especially France, which she â€Å"hunts† for in her many travels. This last interviewee came in useful as she has a very vast knowledge, which she provided to the report on many natural and organic cosmetics brands from all over the world, with a variation of marketing/business techniques. We will write a custom essay sample on Marketing Mix for Lush or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Information was also extracted from the brand? s own website along as from The Body Shop ®Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s website [http://www. thebodyshop-usa. com/]. The final goal was to help â€Å"LUSH ®Ã¢â‚¬  improve in all possible ways and allow it to compete with other and bigger brands such as The Body Shop ®. The purpose of this research is to establish a new marketing mix for â€Å"LUSH ®Ã¢â‚¬ , to serve young costumers who aim for a healthier skin and body and elaborate a more accurate and efficient marketing strategy. The target market for â€Å"LUSH ®Ã¢â‚¬  is basically women and men from ages 13 and 40, mostly including vegans, in which skin and health care is essential and during this period of life it is at its peak. The key success factors for this brand, include promoting and emphasizing its homemade, natural and almost 100% organic characteristics and ingredients; for people to find their products as intriguing as they come and to allow them to know their effectiveness by exposing them. By changing the way to sell the products with less competition but rather showing originality the target market would appeal more to the brand. Introduction Throughout the past decade many cosmetics were tested with staggering numbers of harmful additives such as toxic chemicals, heavy metals, and also hormones, making their way into products that are used on a daily basis. Not only can these makeup and cosmeceutical products cause acne, rashes, and other skin problems such as cancer, they can get to be very hazardous for peoples’ health. The more unnatural and non organic the makeups, cleansers, moisturizers, sunscreens and over-the-counter antibiotic creams are, people become more afflicted with skin conditions. As the numbers grow, they manage to balance as the demand for natural and skin friendly cosmetics arouses, this makes many brands go â€Å"organic† but there is actually no proof and reliable sources that every brand that says their products are chemical free is accurate until it is proven by the USDA. Consumers can avoid toxic ingredients by using USDA certified organic cosmetics. The trouble is, while the USDA allows cosmetics to be certified organic, most people dont acknowledge it. This report is possible because the business chosen to create both marketing mixes, â€Å"LUSH ®Ã¢â‚¬ , is an USDA certified brand as well as its competitor. Throughout the research, the marketing mixes were created with the help of the 4 P’s (Product, Price, Place and Promotion) and a SWOT analysis of both brands. In prospective, the main goal is to allow â€Å"LUSH ®Ã¢â‚¬  to get more involved in the market in a successful and non-aggressive way, expand its franchises and increase its publicity. LUSH ®Ã¢â‚¬  is a brand selling only organic, fresh homemade cosmetics which originated in UK in 1994, when husband and wife Mark and Mo Constantine opened the first Lush store in Poole under the name â€Å"Cosmetic House Limited† There are now 830 stores in 51 countries. Lush produces and sells a variety of handmade natural products, including soaps, shower gel s, shampoos and hair conditioners, bath bombs, bubble bars, hand and body lotions and face-masks. The brand uses fruit and vegetables, essential oils, synthetic ingredients, honey and beeswax in their products. In addition to not using animal fats in their products, they are also against animal testing and perform tests with volunteers instead. Methods In order to collect useful data, a research about the brand was made, including its place in the market in comparison to other brands. By this, identifying a competitor brand, analyzing it’s marketing mix and SWOT analysis in order to help develop the research’s own. This procedure was a guidance to find the identical ideas, strengths and differences between the two brands, allowing the brand in research’s marketing mix to improve and hopefully become dominant in the market. By preforming a research about the USDA and their certified brands and the whole organic/natural cosmetic products market, will be an approach to the marketing mix with a more stable and predetermined target. Throughout two interviews that were held, another portion of favorable information could be obtained, both interviews provided precise and factual details about two different cosmetics brands, as well as some advice on how to identify the features and other relevant business factors. One of the interviews being directed to the owner of â€Å"Saint Germaine†, a Natural Cosmetics brand who provided advices on business making and marketing techniques and the following interviewee, Martha Hone allowed the research to obtain a more lively experience on organic cosmetic products; as such business consists only in that type of merchandise. The Body Shop ® SWOT Analysis Strengths * Unique products, environmental friendly retailer * L’Oreal’s advertisements and marketing increase sale * Enhances its image in local society * Target market with ethical issue Weaknesses * Lack of product advertisement Expensive for a certain range of the market Opportunities * Take advantage of L’Oreal’s Research and Development department to create and improve their own products. Threats * Many new competing brands wanting to go â€Å"green†. * Chemical legislation * No environmental certification Findings The key competitor for â€Å"LUSH ®Ã¢â ‚¬  is the popular American brand The Body Shop ®, which is one of the brands to be soon passed through the USDA policy for its use of almost 100% organic and natural ingredients in their products (The Body Shop, 2013 online); but there has been some accusation attempts of chemical legislation.